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ncov2019 TV
The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) continues to reshape the world. Its spread has caused entry and exit bans, quarantines and travel restrictions throughout the globe. This COVID-19 dashboard provides recent data worldwide, shows the latest statistics, news, analyses, advice and explainers from across many nations. NCOV2019.TV covers up to the minute...
Autoplay Restrictions If the autoplay parameter is present, our player will attempt to automatically begin playback. However, please note that some browsers specifically block autoplay. In these cases, your video will revert back to the original thumbnail and controls, requiring viewers to select play to start playback. Autoplay is currently restricted in the following environments:...
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 Link building is a powerful tool Links continue to be a powerful ranking indicator. Having other websites link to yours proves that your content brings value to users. By having links to your websites, Google, on the other hand, gives you a better ranking in its results page. But how do we make people...
Per Bitcoin si fa riferimento alla moneta elettronica creata da Satoshi Nakamoto, questo lo pseudonimo con il quale l’autore si è presentato alla Rete alla fine del 2008 per annunciare il lancio della propria invenzione avvenuto nel 2009. Per questa valuta virtuale, che ha realizzato il concetto di criptovaluta teorizzato nel 1998 da Wei Dai,...